Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Welcome back to Hiking at Palm Creek. 2022-2023 Season

Email from Jerry Garrison

Welcome back to those hikers that are already here and those arriving later. The Palm Creek Hiking Club meets in the parking lot north of the main mailboxes every Friday morning between 7:30 and 7:45 a.m. New members will sign up, pay their membership fee, ($10.00 for the season), sign their waiver, receive their sticker and get information pertaining to that day's hike. We leave at 8:00 a.m. sharp and return somewhere between 2-3:30 pm. Our first hike this season will be Friday, November 11th, 

2022 and as we start the season, we will have only one group and a fairly easy hike of about 5 miles.

John Robichaud has a good hiking season planned for us. However, he had something come up at home that delayed him until the 12th of November. He should be off and running after that!

The Palm Creek Hiking Club believes that hiking helps maintain physical and mental wellness, however, in these times with Covid still rearing its ugly head and out of an abundance of caution, we may need to make some changes for the 2022-2023 season! We will, however, start off with carpooling but no more than 4 occupants to a vehicle. Social distancing is a given and masks will be at your discretion. Before long, we should be able to have the three groups; short hike of 3-4 miles, medium group of 5-6 miles and long group hiking 7-8 miles.

Check out our blog for more hiking information and our past hikes. To get on our mailing list, e-mail John Robichaud at Johnarobichaud@ or for more information contact John Robichaud 207-446-0650 or Jerry Garrison 307-630-0252.

More information to follow: location and directions.

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