Wednesday, January 25, 2023

January 27. 2023 Picketpost Mountain - Long Group - Picketpost Mountain Loop. Medium Group - Arnett Creek- Out and Back. Short Group - Casa Grande Mountain

There were thirty-one hikers in the medium group so we broke up into two groups. Nancy led one of the medium groups and Barb led the other. The medium hike was an out-and-back hike along Arnett Creek on Lost Trail #221. There were eight creek crossings on the trail, luckily the water level was moderate. This trail is in a canyon where we look up to admire majestic views of Volcanic Rock formations. 
John led the long group around Picketpost Mountain, starting at Lost Trail #221 at the north end of the parking lot and following Arnett Creek, and going clockwise around the Mountain to Telegraph Canyon, then onto Arizona Trail and back to the parking area. This hike follows the canyon then turns right, around the base of the mountain. Coming back there are views of the mountains to the north, such as Wasson peak. 

We started at the north-east corner of the parking lot down a trail that meets up with the main trail. 

Medium group pictures led by Nancy. Some of these pictures are out of order. 

Nellie's pictures

John's pictures from the long group. 

Medium Group Hike:  A scenic in-and-out hike of approximately 6 miles total. An easy trail to hike with hardly any elevation, however, there are 5 or 6 river crossings. At least one hiking pole and two Walmart garbage bags would be a bonus for crossing Arnett Creek. Rate ( Easy + to Moderate - because of the river crossings and distance)

Long Group Hike: A scenic loop hike of approximately 8.6 miles counterclockwise around the mountain.  Again, at least one hiking pole and two Walmart garbage bags would be good to have. Toward the end of the hike, you will be hiking a bit of the Arizona Trail system. You also have a beautiful view of the Superstitions from Flatiron to Weavers Needle. Rate ( Moderate to Moderate + because of the distance )

DIRECTIONS: (GPS: Picketpost loop trail) Approximately 62 miles)

Exit Palm Creek by turning right onto Henness Rd. and continue to Cottonwood and again make a right. Follow the caravan on the back roads to Florence Junction and turn right onto Hwy. 60 heading for Globe. Travel Hwy 60 for approximately 3-4 miles and you will see the sign on the right for Picketpost Trailhead. 

SUMMARY: A very scenic hike, some of the prettiest in our area, that passes the base of Picketpost Mountain and then crosses a number of low hills to some higher hills and deep canyons. It is also a popular hike as you will possibly be sharing the trail with other hikers, horses and even cows from time to time. Pit toilets are available however bring a little TP!

Short Hike to Casa Grande Mt: Denis will be available at 7:45 a.m. Friday for anyone wanting to do the short hike of approximately 3-4 miles. They leave at 8:00 a.m. and are generally back in Palm Creek by noon. This is a good chance for people who have just started hiking or those who feel they are a bit out of shape. Please note that a Palm Creek Hiking Membership and a fee of $10.00 for the year are required for all groups.

INFORMATION: We meet in the parking lot in front of the Ballroom entrance Fridays at 7:30 a.m. to sign up for the hike each hiker is taking and sign up on the carpool sheet. YOU HAVE TWO SHEETS TO SIGN UP ON!  We can also use extra drivers. Riders, please don't forget to reimburse the drivers $10.00 to help with gas. We caravan to the hike trailhead following the lead vehicle and always have a sweep vehicle to make sure everyone arrives safely. If for some reason a hike must be canceled, you will receive an email by 6 a.m. and you can go back to bed. For questions, call John Robichaud at 207-446-0650 or Jerry Garrison at 307-630-0252.

Nellie is ready to do shirt orders. She will be at this Friday's hike to share information and take shirt orders. If you're unable to make the hike Friday, you can contact her at site # 1640 or Phone 780-940-5922.  She did say that we must have a minimum of 25 shirts to make an order.

If you are on the Palm Creek Hiking Club emails and do not wish to receive our Hiker News, please contact Jerry, by email or text!

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