Thursday, March 2, 2023

March 3, 2023 - Miner's Needle (Medium Group) and Wave Cave and Carney Springs Waterfall (Long Group) at Peralta Trailhead. Short Hike to Picacho Peak, Sunset Vista Trail.

Group picture at Peralta Trailhead prior to Long Group going to Lost Dutchman. 
Long Group
John lead the long hike to the Wave Cave and Carney Springs Waterfall started at the Lost Dutchman Trailhead.

The Wave Cave used to be called Apache Kid Cave. YouTube video on Apache Kid - History

The group went to the Wave Cave (Apache Kid Cave) on the Lost Dutchman trail for two miles and an elevation gain of 1453 feet (that occurs mostly at the cave). Hike 5.7 miles. 

This picture shows the cave up on the mountain.


From the Wave Cave, the long group hiked down and turned left onto the Carney Springs Trail to the Carney Springs Water Fall. Since we have had recent rains the waterfall had lots of water. 

John's All Trails link

Medium Hike
Nancy and Jerry led the medium hike. We split up into two groups because we are only allowed fifteen in each group. This hike starts at Peralta Trailhead. At the trailhead, there are three signs. We took the Dutchman #104 trail. There was a stream at the beginning of the hike where there were large stones to get across. 

We hiked a short distance to the junction of Bluff Springs trail and Dutchman #104. We continued on Dutchman #104. There were another four streams to cross, one of them being more difficult than the rest. The hike was like an enjoyable spring hike, with California Poppies, Lupen and many other wildflowers along the way. We saw snow-covered mountains that enhanced the scenery and small amounts of snow to play in. We met up with trail horses at the beginning of the Trail and at Coffee Flats at Lunch. A special thanks to everyone helping to get people across the streams.  Hike 6.5 miles. 

Miner's Needle

Jerry's group had lunch on a crop of rocks, View of Miner's Needle

Where Nancy's group had lunch. Junction of Coffee Flats and Dutchman #104

Barb's pictures. 

Jerry's Pictures

Picacho Peak
Denis's group hiked Picacho Peak 

Short Hike to Picacho Peak and the Sunset Vista Trail.  (C) Easy (GPS: Picacho Peak State Park)  Note: There is a $7.00 park entrance fee per vehicle with up to 4 occupants! The flowers are in the early stage but some should be out.  Denis will be available at 7:45 a.m. Friday for anyone wanting to do this short hike of approximately 3-4 miles. They leave at 8:00 a.m. and are generally back to Palm Creek by noon. This is a good hike for people who have just started hiking or those who feel they are a bit out of shape. Please note that a Palm Creek Hiking Membership and a fee of $10.00 for the year is required for all groups.

Medium Group Hike: Miner's Needle  (C+ to B-) Easy to Moderate  A scenic in-and-out hike of approximately 5-6 miles to Miner's Needle. No rock scrambling but some elevation gain! It would probably be rated as easy to a low moderate because of the climb. At least one hiking pole is recommended and sunscreen would be a bonus. Sunny with a high of 57 degrees. Restrooms are available at Peralta Trailhead.

Long Group Hike: Wave Cave and Carney Springs Waterfall (C+ to B+) Moderate to Difficult. This is a hike of approximately 5-6 miles to the Wave Cave and the falls. It is a first to the Wave Cave for the Palm Creek Hiking Club but after doing the pre hike, I would strongly recommend it if you are comfortable with a little rock scrambling at the top.  It is truly awesome! Moderate to Difficult because of that short portion near the top ! The cave itself, the views and the sandstone formations make this a remarkable experience! Again, at least one hiking pole is recommended and sunscreen would be a bonus! Sunny with a high of 57 degrees. Restrooms at Peralta Trailhead. 


From Palm Creek we exit right onto Henness Rd. to Cottonwood, make another right and travel the back roads to Florence Junction and then west to Phoenix on Hwy 60. Between milepost 204 and 205 is the first traffic light you will come to and a brown sign saying "Peralta". Turn right at the light, proceed through the residential area, past the school, and continue to the gravel road. Travel approximately 7.5 miles to the Peralta Trailhead. It is 64 miles and takes an hour and ten minutes. If you encounter trouble during the caravan, a good GPS is Peralta Trailhead. 


The hikes to the Wave Cave and Miners Needle both offer amazing views that are truly unforgettable. The beautiful fields of Saguaro Cactus and the sheer walls of the Superstitions are amazing. 


We meet in the parking lot in front of the Ballroom entrance Fridays 7:30 a.m. to sign up for the hike each hiker is taking and sign up on the carpool sheet. YOU HAVE TWO SHEETS TO SIGN UP ON!  We can always use extra drivers. Riders, please don't forget to reimburse the drivers $10.00 to help with gas. We leave at 8 a.m. sharp and caravan to the hike trailhead following the lead vehicle and always have a sweep vehicle to make sure everyone arrives safely. If for some reason a hike must be canceled, you will receive an email by 6 a.m. and you can go back to bed. For questions, call John Robichaud at 207-446-0650 or Jerry Garrison 307-630-0252

Next week's hike to Sabino Canyon is depending on the weather. As soon as it can be determined that it is a go, information on times, tram tickets, etc will be given!

We are getting closer and closer to the overnight (s) hike to Chiricahua National Monument! This is an awesome hike even if you have been there before! Let John R or Nancy know if you are interested!!!!

If you are on the Palm Creek Hiking Club emails and do not wish to receive our Hiker News, please contact Jerry; email. text or phone!

CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW: to check Nancy's blogspot: for more hiking information and pictures from our previous hikes! 

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